"Freedom of speech is important, but its more important what is holy to me"
Turkish islamist premier, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, visited Denmark last week. He made a highly interesting remark during the visit in reaction to the drawings of the alleged prophet Mohammed in Jyllands-Posten (source: Politiken, my translation):
"Freedom of speech is important, but it is more important what is holy to me"
The article continues
In a speech, that almost solely dealt with building bridges between the West and the moslem world, he urged to show respect for one another ..
"Turks have, as a moslem people, always respected the symbols that are holy to people of another faith than ours. We have never attacked other peopleĀ“s religious or cultural inheritance"
Ehr? For one example, take the Ayasofya mosque in Istanbul. Before the Turks forcibly converted it to a mosque, it had been one of the most beautyful churches of Eastern Orthodoxy for 9 centuries.
Even if we take his claim at face value, what does it help if you respect peopleĀ“s religiour of cultural inheritance, when you kill the people themselves based on it? Fex the massacre of a million plus Christians 1915-23. A small reminder of what I am talking of, Tayyip:
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