And on the occasion of Ashura, we have....
...a bit of entertainmend. Muslim rave party sensation :-)
Reporting from the frontlines of the Culture Wars
...a bit of entertainmend. Muslim rave party sensation :-)
Rantings of a sandmonkey has an interesting perspective on the boycot of Denmark over the Mohammed-drawings (hat tip: Renwaa). He found out that an Egyptian paper reprinted some of the drawings back in october. His suggestion?
By now, most people know of the "fake cartoons" the Danish imams used to incite anger in the ME during their tour there in December, 2005. Now Neander News has found out where one of them is from (hat tip: Mike H., comment no. 2):
They should because they are the same! No, not a satire of Mohammed nor any other sacred Islamic figure but a photo of Jacques Barrot, a pig squealing contestant at the French Pig-Squealing Championships in Trie-sur-Baise’s annual festival. NeanderNews discovered this photo, taken by Bob Edme of AP, posted on an August 15, 2005 AP story seen here on MSNBC’s website.
Jyllands-Posten, like Neander News, ran with the story that the above person is Jacques Barrot. That is not true, though: Jacques Barrot is the French EU-commisioner. The real name is Jacques Marrot, a local mechanic.
For a second day in a row, islamists have attacked the Danish embassy, trying to set in on fire with molotov cocktails. Kept at a distance by police, they only managed to hit a janitorial building, though. Later in the day, the Norwegian embassy was also hit. Though windows were smashed by stone-throwers, as with the Danish embassy, police managed to keep them at a distance so their molotov-kocktails didnt do any appreciable damage.
The assault reported by a hotdog vendor, which I mentioned here, has been investigated and deemed non-believable by the police:
I earlier promised to do a round-up of the lies the Danish moslems have been selling their "offendedness" on in the Middle East. Turns out, Ekstra Bladet kame first, so why do it myself?:
From CNN:
Not much better.
Yesterday, an al Qaeda-aligned group in Iraq, the Islamic Army, threatened to kill any Danes they can and "chop them to pieces". In other Iraqi news, the Iraqi "resistance" continues to show that it doesnt really care about the Iraqi people:
From DR:
A bit more from the Bangkok Post:
From DR:
Yesterday, as you probably all know, saw the Danish, Swedish and Norwegian embassies in Syria burned down by moslem fanatics. An attack on the French embassy failed.
A wee bit of blogging before its off to work on this beautyful, snow-covered Sunday.
As Renwaa has pointed out in the comments, the Danish press is currently running the story of how there are moves underway to expel some of the imams that have basically been lying their pants off to bring about the current confrontation over the mohammed-drawings.
After the paper of the Swedish immigration-sceptical party The Sweden Democrats decided to hold a competition for its readers over who could draw the best carricatures of Mohammed, the Swedish moslems have begun threatening to make the moslem countries boycot Sweden, too:
According to Jyllands-Posten tuesday, the cyber-offensive against Danish targets seems to have found new targets. Since monday, no reports of blogs or news websites going down have been reported. Instead, the hackers seem to have switched to attacking normal websites, defacing them and leaving statements in arabic, turkish, english, and in a few instances danish:
I am sorry to have left you all in the middle of this, but real-life work takes up most of my time these days. But back to business.